A heart for South Asia

Ryan Varghese is a pharmacist in Tulsa, OK. With his doctorate in Pharmacy, he's no stranger to higher education. He recently completed the Union GDip at the Learning Community hosted by Mercyview Church in Tulsa, and has continued his studies with Union by enrolling on the MTh at the same Community. When asked what has led him on this journey, Ryan reflected on his upbringing.

“Growing up in a South Asian Indian Pentecostal church I heard the gospel at a very young age. God’s love was so real in my life. Since then I have always wanted to share that love with others and obey the command to make disciples of all nations. 

While I was studying pharmacy in college, I became convinced that preaching of the Word and church planting are the primary ways that God is making His name known in the world. After graduating, I moved to Tulsa for work and began attending Mercyview Church. That same year I was invited by a mentor to consider the spiritual needs of the South Asian community. 

About 1.3 billion people live with little to no access to the Gospel in India alone. 86% of Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists don't personally know a Christian. Clearly, God’s mission is far from over among Indians and South Asians, and I wanted to learn more! Over the course of a year, God used these experiences to affirm some of my convictions and gave me a new desire to grow more in the Word to be a better witness.

Though I don't have all of the details figured out, I’m asking how the Lord might use me to see the Gospel come to South Asian men and women either in India or perhaps among the Indian diaspora in the West. Looking back, I am amazed to see how God has worked in my life. I have been studying part time with Union for two years now, and I am grateful for the Learning Community model allowing us to study in our local community, discuss what we learn together, gain a solid understanding of the Bible, and learn to serve the church. As I pray about my next steps in life, I know the Lord will guide me through the Word, my church family, and my fellow students."

Get in touch to find out more about setting up a Learning Community.


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