Be a Gospel Partner

Make a gift and partner with Union Mission to support church planting and revitalisation in the UK, Europe and around the world.

Give now | Give now in the US

Give now in UK and rest of the world

Your generous gift will go directly towards supporting the work of church planting and revitalisation ministry.

To give online to our international church planting fund, please use the form below.

If you have any questions relating to giving in the US, UK or internationally, our team is ready to help. Please contact us here.

Give by phone

To support Union Mission by giving over the phone, call Union Campus now on freephone 0330 123 4446 to make a gift.

Give by post

To support Union Mission by post, please make cheques payable to ‘Union’ and send them to Bryntirion House, Bridgend, CF31 4DX together with your contact details. Please designate that your gift is for Union Mission.

“Our vision is to see churches flourishing in the gospel and driving forward in mission. To see this, we grow leaders to grow Christ’s church around the world - we need your help to fuel this vision. Will you stand with us?”

Michael Reeves,
President of Union

Give now in the US

Your generous gift will go directly towards supporting the work of church planting and revitalisation ministry.

Union Foundation US is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, set up for US residents only. To support Union by giving online, please use the form below.

If you have any questions relating to giving in the US, UK or internationally, our team is ready to help. Please contact us here.

Give by phone

To support Union Mission by giving over the phone, please call 630-871-6863.

Give by post

To support Union Mission by post, please make checks payable to 'Union Foundation US' and send them to Union Foundation US, PO Box 1157, Wheaton, Illinois, 60187-1157. Please designate that your gift is for Union Mission.